Remember that time some nerd asked Brian Walsby to make a couple of sleeves for test pressings?
Brian made this 'Damian Jug' one for "Dangerous Fumes", the nerd liked it a lot but thought it was pretty random...
... then, years later he noticed this Cheap Tragedies 7", and realised that far from being random, it was based on the same 'Jonestown' image as the Dangerous Fumes 7" it's actually haliechukien in its appropriateness.
Even more not randomly, Brian cunningly avoided any copyright concerns by being the artist who did the original image for Cheap Tragedies
Here's Walsby's artwork for the Nerd's Hidden World TP - the nerd loved it and thought it kind of made sense - the David Comes To Life 'mask supper' in the top right seemed particularly apt and the other song titles are on there and maybe the comic book layout was an Invisibles ref and the layout of central circular piece with radiating lines could have be something to do with the Sun - but what the hell was the angels bit in the bottom left about??
Fucked Up liked it though used it on a Tshirt and tote bag merch for the anniversary tour for Hidden World.
Years later, the nerd found this