Dirtbombs / Split

(Bruise Cruise Volume 8)

Sleeve - FU Side
Sleeve - Dirtbombs side
Vinyl - FU side
Vinyl - Dirtbombs side

Sleeve - Folded Out:
Sleeve printed on shiny card, blank on reverse.


Tracks: I Hate Summer B/W If Can Can Can't We (Performed by The Dirtbombs)
Released: March 1, 2012
Label: Bruise Cruise Records BCR008
Matrix A: U-66229M-A BCK-008-453-0/4
Matrix B: U-66229M-B BCK/008-453-0/4
Pressing Info: 800, or maybe 500
Inserts: No regular insert
Variants: No (known) variants


''I Hate Summer'' recorded live at KEXP Seattle 2009. Given away as part of Bruise Cruise holiday.

From Insound:
This year's new 4-record series promoting the Bruise Cruise. Each release will feature 2 artists performing on the 7-inch and is limited to 800 copies (300 to Cruise attendees - 500 available to retail stores).

Promotional info, HERE includes rejected? sleeve art:

From FPH Bruise Cruise Review:
There were roughly 2000 passengers on board; only 500 were “Bruisers” who paid double that of the regular cruisers. The 500 consisted of: bands, press, and fans who have a reckless attitude toward their net worth. We were a strange upper-class, pressing every luxury forward. So, why did we do it?

I had hoped for sociological theatre, but that didn't happen. From all reports, last year’s inaugural cruise had a much more mischievous stripe running through it. I suppose that most thought it was an enchanted one-off and treated it as such. If last year was about reckless conquest, this year was about nesting and making sure that we could all do it all again.

The apathy of the other cruisers was welcome company to a crowd hailing mostly from the twitching hyper-informed city of Brooklyn, which was recently described to me as the “Hollywood of music”. I've also never seen bands look more content or relaxed. The weekend was , after all, a vacation from their tours.

The most important thing to note is that there was virtually no phone service or Internet available for the entire trip, and I never heard anyone complain. This became what really made this festival truly special. The crowd was not watching the shows through a sea of raised iPhones, and then scrambling to post their “footage”; they were actually present, together, sharing an experience. This festival didn't need to be validated by the Internet; it was valid on its own.

Relearning Web-less human interaction is pretty easy in a formalized setting that is built only for drinking, eating, fucking, swimming, and going broke. These are all themes that have a significant place in rock-and-roll culture. This irresponsible electricity in an exclusive environment, away from the bad noise of the world came to feel, for lack of a better term…punk.

There is a heavy irony in the idea that independent music culture has become so over-saturated, dangerously accessible, and embedded in the marketplace, that one of the last places it can still get enough room to breathe is in the staged-and-staffed, faux opulence of a “luxury” cruise liner.

The Bruise Cruise was a savage vacation that reminded me how great it is to see a show, and the human connection that makes me come back.

''Coke Sucks''

...Drink Pepsi

Sleeve - Front
Sleeve - Back


A: Son The Father / Magic Word / Fate of Fates /Crooked Head
B: Invisible Leader / BlackAlbino Bones / Crusades / I Hate Summer / Son Of Sam (Chain Gang)

Released: 2011

Label: Chunklet CHKLP005



Inserts: No regular insert

White sleeve - 6 different coloured vinyl variants
Black Sleeve - April Fools edition

Pressing Info:

Kickstarter copies:
Red translucent - 200

'Sellable' copies (900 total):
Salmon - 300
Gold translucent - 200
Black - 200
Black / White split - 100
Blue translucent - 100
April Fools Edition - 30 (of above?) black vinyl with black sleeve.

Pedantic Nerd Note:
Some sources state 100 copies on black. Presumably this arose from confusion over the statement  on the Chunklet site (page no longer available, but text copied below in Notes), which refers to 900 'sellable' copies, then goes on to give the breakdown below:

*200 Red (exclusively for Kickstarter contributors)
100 b/w split
300 Salmon
200 Gold
100 blue
the rest on black

*The Kickstarter copies were not 'sellable', hence ''the rest on black'' = 200

Red Translucent :Given to Kickstarter Contributors (200 copies)
'Salmon' - marbled opaque vinyl:
300  copies - supposedly, but this one seems to be less commonly available in the second hand market than most of the other variants
Gold translucent:
200 copies
200 copies
Black / White split:
100 copies
Blue translucent:
100 copies

Sleeve Notes:
May be a homage to the Ergs...


Text copied from post on Chunklet site:
A 12" special live set recorded by these Canadians in Atlanta at the EARL last year. They barrel through a ton of originals and a cover of "Son of Sam" by Chain Gang. Also on the bill were Carbonas, Bukkake Boys and American Cheeseburger. Damian espouses his love of Pepsi versus Coke and dedicates way too many songs to record collectors. Running time: 37 min.

Recorded to multi-track by Curt Wells.

Mastered by Jeff Capurso.

Lovingly messed with by Henry Owings.

Note: Any crackling or hissing you hear is completely intended. Limited to 900 sellable copies.

COLLECTOR SCUM ALERT: Buy more than one copy of each color and your order will be voided and you won't be notified.

200 Red (exclusively for Kickstarter contributors)
100 b/w split
300 Salmon
200 Gold
100 blue
the rest on black

Commodity Fetishism:

From Chunklet Site - page no longer exists, so via Vinyl Collective:
The Fucked Up 12" that we released this month has a special version that is going to be sold on April Fool's Day and on April Fool's Day only (starting at midnight EST). It's the "Coke Sucks Drink Pepsi" LP, but it's with a special silkscreened sleeve (by our homies at Bearded Lady in Austin) with a black vinyl record. ONLY 30 COPIES EXIST! So weird, the black is the rarest of all the editions we've got for sale. Can't believe more people don't want it.

(The comment black vinyl is the rarest of all the editions contradicts the maths used to come up with 200 copies above, however if it's the rarest, that would mean less than 100 and that doesn't really make sense either; there are certainly more than the 30 used for the April Fool. If you're a collector, consider yourself messed with).

'April Fools' Sleeve
Black sleeve with white lettering
From Chunklet Site -  via Vinyl Collective:
Got a special version of the Fucked Up 12" that is gonna be available for a grand total of 24 hours via the Chunklet site starting tonight at midnight. 30 copies. Similar sleeve to the test pressing, but it's white ink on a black jacket instead of silver.....Just to mess with record collectors. Any excess copies will be sold on eBay to benefit Doctors Without Borders.

Chunklet 'tweet' March 31 2011
To those that love Fucked Up and April Fool's Day, a special edn of 30 of the new "Coke Sucks" 12" is for sale TOMORROW ONLY!

Test Pressing Sleeve:
Silver lettering; otherwise same as April  Fools sleeve

Test Pressing:
Purple 'belly-button-fluff' colour splatter