Coming Soon...

I'm not an expert on Career Suicide, but my new internet friend Ethan is - he has a LOT of CS vinyl!

Interview - Swiss Ferdi

Ferdinand Hodler's artwork appears on "Year of The Pig" & "Glass Boys". Fucked Up fans, searching for the meaning of something, frequently misinterpret his images of sleeping scantily-clad men. To avoid further confusion, Ferdi himself, along with French art expert Musee Orsay, took time out of their busy schedules to explain "Parallelism":



The sequencing of the figures according to a principle of symmetry and the search for frontality here are also one of the most stunning expressions of a principle called parallelism (defined by Hodler as the repetition of similar forms), which the artist made the key to his art throughout his life. Parallelism is more than a principle of formal composition, it is a moral and philosophical idea, relying on the premise that nature has an order, based on repetition, and that in the end all men resemble each other.
