Career Suicide...

...will be along shortly. The CS link in the discog list below is not live, but soon will be. In the meantime, if you like looking at pictures of music containers, (and who doesn't?) you can check out the Mercury Girls page.


(Mercury Girls)

Jonah drums, produces and helps with song-writing in post-punk quartet Pavillion. They were formerly called Mercury Girls, but changed the name shortly after the release of the demo to avoid confusion with a band of the same name from Philadelphia.

Check their music out on bandcamp, details of their physical releases are below.

"Demo / Mercury Girls Demo" (Cassette)

First Press - Smoky silver cassette
Second Press - Matte black cassette

Artwork on inside of inlay


Tracks: In Your Hands, Beautiful Sight, Pale Shades of Green, Binds
Released: April 2015
Label: Not on label (self released)
Pressing Info:
1st press - smoky silver tapes with a clear leader, 75-100 made
2nd press - matte black tapes with a red leader, 200 made
Other Variants: Inlays are either ivory or a pale green colour, later copies have the new band name on the spine.

Inlays on pale shade of green, or ivory paper - the artwork was updated on later copies to reflect the change of band name

"Vexation of Spirit" (Cassette)

Inlays on hyacinth blue paper, matte black cassette

Inlay - front

Inlay - back

"Pavilion / Pet Sun " (Split Cassette)


Tracks: Pale Shades of Green (Pavilion) / Wish it Was (Pet Sun
Released: February 2016
Label: Long Winter
Pressing Info: